When you join The Standard, You get each workout tailored to fit your goals based on your fitness level so you can:


Look Better

Our members consistently lose body fat and gain muscle, and you will too! Our tracking software will track your performance over time, so you can visibly see the improvements you’ll already be feeling. Perhaps more importantly however, you’ll improve your self-confidence and we all know that’s attractive!

Move Better

Our highly-trained and professional coaches will address mobility and flexibility restrictions, then teach you to properly pick things up and put them overhead, push, pull, or sit yourself up, and so much more. We’ll then put those skills to the test with high-intensity workouts designed specifically with you and your goals in mind.

Feel Better

Your nagging aches and pains will disappear, your mood will improve, your healthy eating will become more consistent, you may even get off some of those medications you’re taking. You’ll become healthier, happier, and harder to kill; and you’ll have fun along the way!


Be Better

You’ll become a better friend, a better father, a better husband. A better mother, wife, sister. Be more kind. Be more empathetic. Be more balanced. Be more humble. That’s just a short list of the impact The Standard has made on it’s members. We use the physical training to create non-physical improvements as humans.